Laura e Bart

Não é segredo algum que eu gosto de Simpsons, mesmo porque meu “Lovejoy” vem do sobrenome de uma das namoradinhas do Bart, certo? E por falar em namoradas do Bart, lembrei de um episódio em especial:

Bart lies unhappily in bed. “How can I get her to notice me?” Laura opens Bart’s bedroom window. “Meet me at the treehouse, Bart. And come alone.” She vanishes. Bart swallows hard.

Bart paces nervousely in the treehouse, then turns around to see Laura in a heart-stopping red dress. She explains, “I’m so happy, I just had tell someone. I have a boyfriend.” Bart reacts with stunned horror, envisioning Laura tearing his heart out of his chest and drop-kicking it into the trashcan.


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